It is a vanity project and a writing closet, a treasure chest for news, views and reviews.

More prosaically, it provides a store house for my writing. Some of it is quirky – poems, sayings and asides. There are movie and book reviews, profiles and other articles from my past and present sojourn as a journalist. Plus my new book — The Dream Machine: A Novel of Future Past!

Lester Jacobson in black without glasses
The Dream Machine

The Dream Machine: A Novel of Future Past

A thrilling, highly imaginative and tautly written journey back in time to find “the tool to unrule” a post-American fascism.

“Brilliant,” says National Book Award winner and MacArthur Genius Fellow Charles Johnson of “The Dream Machine: A Novel of Future Past.”

“A great tale, brilliantly told,” says violist and international recording artist Roger Chase. “There are surprises on every page, and the end, which comes only too soon, is a coda of marvelous drama, invention and imagination.”