A half century of award-winning journalism, from best feature story of 1974 (Chicago Newspaper Guild) to more than half-a-dozen consecutive annual column and profile honors (Northern Illinois News Association).

Meals on Wheels faces financial turmoil as executive director departs
Evanston RoundTable, Sept. 20,2024 Evanston-based nonprofit Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois is facing a severe financial crisis, and the meal delivery organization’s longtime leader has left under a cloud, multiple

There’s a riot going on!
Evanston RoundTable, August 14, 2024 Author’s note: This recollection of the 1968 Democratic National Convention was written some years after the events depicted took place, so there may be a

The three B’s – Bach, Beethoven and Bobby
Evanston RoundTable, August 14, 2024 With more than two dozen teachers and 327 students ranging in age from 1 to 92, the Northwestern University Music Academy has a huge teaching

The Now of Now: In which we consider the common fire hydrant
Evanston RoundTable, July 30, 2024 Many decades ago I volunteered at an Evanston hospice organization. Volunteers had to undergo a day of training, and one of the exercises during the

Hunger Games: To eat or not to eat, that is the question
Evanston RoundTable, July 11, 2024 Eating is one of the most personal things we do. “You are what you eat” is more than just an empty slogan: What goes in

The two-glass metaphor
Evanston RoundTable, June 26, 2024 In high school I hung out with smart kids, smarter than me by far. As a sophomore I’d lunch with a group of seniors who

My Faust problem
Evanston RoundTable, June 13, 2024 I’m obsessed with knowledge. I want to know everything. Well, not everything, of course; that would be impossible, but the big things: quantum physics and ancient

Viola’s story
Evanston RoundTable, May 30, 2024 Something good often comes from something bad. Sometimes you just have to search for it. Case in point: my recent trip to Austin, Texas, to

Music as meditation
Evanston RoundTable, April 30, 2024 I would probably be a good candidate for meditation. Partly from temperament and partly from habit, I tend to fill my day with relentless activity,