Your Happiness Quotient (H.Q.)

Humorous, irreverent and sometimes thoughtful short commentaries on everyday life and the human comedy.

Important to measure, even more important to grow. It consists of good, even temperament (20%); abundant humor (20%); inclination to see the bright side (20%); health and wellness (20%); and smarts, looks & luck (20%). If that’s true, and it seems as reasonable a formula as any, it’s good news, because most of it is under our own control. Good, even temperament: practice meditation, cultivate perspective. Abundant humor: enjoy the seemingly random if not perverse nature of the universe. Inclination to see the bright side: accept that light and dark emanate from the same source — how we see the world — and we are (almost always) free to choose. Health and wellness: stay active, exercise daily, eat right.