There’s a riot going on!

Evanston RoundTable, August 14, 2024 Author’s note: This recollection of the 1968 Democratic National Convention was written some years after the events depicted took place, so there may be a few memory lapses and inaccuracies. But my part witnessing the historical vignettes is as vivid to me today as it was at the time, 56 […]
Remembering the ’68 Democratic Convention
Evanston RoundTable, Aug. 23, 2018 Next week marks the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Democratic Convention, held in Chicago at the International Amphitheatre. I remember it well: I was there. Reports had been circulating for weeks beforehand about planned demonstrations by anti-Vietnam War activists. The more radical fringe elements, led by master provocateurs Abbie Hoffman […]
1968 Democratic Convention: There’s a Riot Going On
This is a chapter from my memoir, called Remember Me, written about the relationship I had with my best friend. There’s a Riot Going On Returning from London in June 1968, I discovered Chicago was the place to be, the polar star of protesters and politicians, delegates and demonstrators, journalists and novelists – all intent […]